All classes in the resource folder should implement this interface so that they can be instantiated in the main barrel.

Hierarchy (view full)




  • Creates a Payment Cycle


    • name: string

      The name of the payment cycle

    • feeDirection: FeeDirection

      Determines who will pay the fees for payments issued from this payment cycle.

    • memo: string

      A free text field containing user supplied information about the payment cycle.

    • accountingFromDateUtc: Date

      The starting data of the payment cycle in UTC.

    • accountingToDateUtc: Date

      The ending date of the payment cycle in UTC.

    Returns Promise<PaymentCycle>

  • A helper function to ensure that API calls are successful and return a valid status code.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • call: (() => Promise<AxiosResponse<T, any>>)

      The API call to guard for exceptions and bad return codes.

        • (): Promise<AxiosResponse<T, any>>
        • Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<T, any>>

    Returns Promise<T>

    A promise of the type returned by Axios in the data field.

  • Returns a list of payment cycles using limit for the maximum item count and page to retrieve more than one page.


    • limit: number

      An integer number between 1 and 100.

    • page: number

      An integer number of the page starting at 1.

    • OptionalpaymentCycleStatus: PaymentCycleStatus

      An optional filter to only return payment cycles with a specific status. If not provided, all payment cycles will be returned.

    Returns Promise<PaymentCycleList>

    A list of PaymentCycle objects.

  • A helper function that will either return the variable's value or throw an exception if the value is null or undefined. Unit testing is simplified by avoiding ??

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • name: string

      The name of the variable being checked

    • value: undefined | null | T

      The value of the variable being checked

    Returns T

    The value of the variable if it is available, otherwise an exception is thrown.