PortfolioApi - axios parameter creator export

  • Parameters

    Returns {
        createCatalog: ((externalId?: string, title?: string, description?: string, details?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, catalogs?: CatalogEntryDeets[], externalUrls?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], partitionKey?: string, accountId?: string, importExternalImages?: boolean, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        createItem: ((externalId?: string, title?: string, addressCommonName?: string, addressAddress1?: string, addressAddress2?: string, addressCityName?: string, addressGeoPoint?: string, addressRegionId?: number, addressPostalCode?: string, addressRegionName?: string, addressCountryCode?: string, description?: string, details?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, durationMilliseconds?: number, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, catalogs?: CatalogEntryDeets[], externalUrls?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], partitionKey?: string, accountId?: string, importExternalImages?: boolean, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        getCatalogs: ((limit?: number, page?: number, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        getItems: ((keywords?: string, channelId?: string, limit?: number, page?: number, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        updateCatalog: ((id: string, externalId?: string, title?: string, addressCommonName?: string, addressAddress1?: string, addressAddress2?: string, addressCityName?: string, addressGeoPoint?: string, addressRegionId?: number, addressPostalCode?: string, addressRegionName?: string, addressCountryCode?: string, description?: string, details?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, durationMilliseconds?: number, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, externalUrls?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], importExternalImages?: boolean, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);
        updateItem: ((id: string, externalId?: string, title?: string, addressCommonName?: string, addressAddress1?: string, addressAddress2?: string, addressCityName?: string, addressGeoPoint?: string, addressRegionId?: number, addressPostalCode?: string, addressRegionName?: string, addressCountryCode?: string, description?: string, details?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, durationMilliseconds?: number, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, catalogs?: CatalogEntryDeets[], externalUrls?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], importExternalImages?: boolean, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>);

    • createCatalog: ((externalId?: string, title?: string, description?: string, details?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, catalogs?: CatalogEntryDeets[], externalUrls?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], partitionKey?: string, accountId?: string, importExternalImages?: boolean, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      summary Create a PortfolioCatalog

        • (externalId?, title?, description?, details?, href?, type?, subType?, explicit?, minimumAgeRequirement?, catalogs?, externalUrls?, externalImages?, attributions?, partitionKey?, accountId?, importExternalImages?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • OptionalexternalId: string

            The idea from the source third party

          • Optionaltitle: string

            The Title

          • Optionaldescription: string

            The decription

          • Optionaldetails: {
                [key: string]: string;

            A keyed list of other details related to the catalog such as additional product details

            • [key: string]: string
          • Optionalhref: string

            The external href (optional)

          • Optionaltype: string

            The type of catalog, such as album, video channel, shopping category, etc.

          • OptionalsubType: string

            The sub type of catalog

          • Optionalexplicit: boolean

            True if the catalog content is deemed explicit, otherwise false

          • OptionalminimumAgeRequirement: number

            Minimum age in years if there is an age requirement such as 18+, otherise null or zero

          • Optionalcatalogs: CatalogEntryDeets[]

            List of the PortfolioCatalogs this PortfolioItem belongs to

          • OptionalexternalUrls: {
                [key: string]: string;

            The external url

            • [key: string]: string
          • OptionalexternalImages: ExternalImageDeets[]

            Collection of external images

          • Optionalattributions: AttributionDeets[]

            Attributions are the credits or roles attaching Contact items to this PortfolioItem

          • OptionalpartitionKey: string
          • OptionalaccountId: string

            Tenant account ID

          • OptionalimportExternalImages: boolean

            When set to true Mozaic will import the external images for the portfolio items and raise an &#39;import_completed&#39; shared event when complete

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • createItem: ((externalId?: string, title?: string, addressCommonName?: string, addressAddress1?: string, addressAddress2?: string, addressCityName?: string, addressGeoPoint?: string, addressRegionId?: number, addressPostalCode?: string, addressRegionName?: string, addressCountryCode?: string, description?: string, details?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, durationMilliseconds?: number, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, catalogs?: CatalogEntryDeets[], externalUrls?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], partitionKey?: string, accountId?: string, importExternalImages?: boolean, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      summary Create a PortfolioItem

        • (externalId?, title?, addressCommonName?, addressAddress1?, addressAddress2?, addressCityName?, addressGeoPoint?, addressRegionId?, addressPostalCode?, addressRegionName?, addressCountryCode?, description?, details?, href?, type?, subType?, explicit?, durationMilliseconds?, minimumAgeRequirement?, catalogs?, externalUrls?, externalImages?, attributions?, partitionKey?, accountId?, importExternalImages?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • OptionalexternalId: string

            The idea from the source third party

          • Optionaltitle: string

            The Title

          • OptionaladdressCommonName: string

            Common name of the address like Central Park, If we already have this in our db, it will pick that address by default

          • OptionaladdressAddress1: string

            Address line 1

          • OptionaladdressAddress2: string

            Address line 2

          • OptionaladdressCityName: string

            City name

          • OptionaladdressGeoPoint: string

            Latitude and Longitude

          • OptionaladdressRegionId: number
          • OptionaladdressPostalCode: string

            Postal code or ZIP code

          • OptionaladdressRegionName: string

            State, region or province

          • OptionaladdressCountryCode: string

            Two-letter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

          • Optionaldescription: string

            The decription

          • Optionaldetails: {
                [key: string]: string;

            A keyed list of other details related to the item such as additional product details

            • [key: string]: string
          • Optionalhref: string

            The external href (optional)

          • Optionaltype: string

            The type of item audio, video, game, podcast, physical, location, destination, experience, tip-link, invoice

          • OptionalsubType: string

            The type of item audio, video, game, podcast, physical, location, destination, experience, tip-link, invoice

          • Optionalexplicit: boolean

            True if the content is deemd explicity, otherwise false

          • OptionaldurationMilliseconds: number

            Duration in ms

          • OptionalminimumAgeRequirement: number

            Minimum age in years if there is an age requirement such as 18+, otherise null or zero

          • Optionalcatalogs: CatalogEntryDeets[]

            List of the PortfolioCatalogs this PortfolioItem belongs to

          • OptionalexternalUrls: {
                [key: string]: string;

            The external url

            • [key: string]: string
          • OptionalexternalImages: ExternalImageDeets[]

            Collection of external images

          • Optionalattributions: AttributionDeets[]

            Attributions are the credits or roles attaching Contact items to this PortfolioItem

          • OptionalpartitionKey: string
          • OptionalaccountId: string

            Tenant account ID

          • OptionalimportExternalImages: boolean

            When set to true Mozaic will import the external images for the portfolio items and raise an &#39;import_completed&#39; shared event when complete

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • getCatalogs: ((limit?: number, page?: number, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      summary Retrieve a list of PortfolioCatalogs

        • (limit?, page?, userId?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • Optionallimit: number

            A limit of the number of objects to be returned for the next page, between 1 and 100. The default is 25

          • Optionalpage: number

            1-based page index for paginated results

          • OptionaluserId: string

            The user id to operate on their behalf (tenants only)

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • getItems: ((keywords?: string, channelId?: string, limit?: number, page?: number, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      summary Retrieve a list of PortfolioItems

        • (keywords?, channelId?, limit?, page?, userId?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • Optionalkeywords: string
          • OptionalchannelId: string
          • Optionallimit: number

            A limit of the number of objects to be returned for the next page, between 1 and 100. The default is 25

          • Optionalpage: number

            1-based page index for paginated results

          • OptionaluserId: string

            The user id to operate on their behalf (tenants only)

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • updateCatalog: ((id: string, externalId?: string, title?: string, addressCommonName?: string, addressAddress1?: string, addressAddress2?: string, addressCityName?: string, addressGeoPoint?: string, addressRegionId?: number, addressPostalCode?: string, addressRegionName?: string, addressCountryCode?: string, description?: string, details?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, durationMilliseconds?: number, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, externalUrls?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], importExternalImages?: boolean, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      summary Create or update an PortfolioCatalog

        • (id, externalId?, title?, addressCommonName?, addressAddress1?, addressAddress2?, addressCityName?, addressGeoPoint?, addressRegionId?, addressPostalCode?, addressRegionName?, addressCountryCode?, description?, details?, href?, type?, subType?, explicit?, durationMilliseconds?, minimumAgeRequirement?, externalUrls?, externalImages?, attributions?, importExternalImages?, userId?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string

            The id of the record you wish to retrieve

          • OptionalexternalId: string

            The idea from the source third party

          • Optionaltitle: string

            The Title

          • OptionaladdressCommonName: string

            Common name of the address like Central Park, If we already have this in our db, it will pick that address by default

          • OptionaladdressAddress1: string

            Address line 1

          • OptionaladdressAddress2: string

            Address line 2

          • OptionaladdressCityName: string

            City name

          • OptionaladdressGeoPoint: string

            Latitude and Longitude

          • OptionaladdressRegionId: number
          • OptionaladdressPostalCode: string

            Postal code or ZIP code

          • OptionaladdressRegionName: string

            State, region or province

          • OptionaladdressCountryCode: string

            Two-letter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

          • Optionaldescription: string

            The decription

          • Optionaldetails: {
                [key: string]: string;

            A keyed list of other details related to the item such as additional product details

            • [key: string]: string
          • Optionalhref: string

            The external href (optional)

          • Optionaltype: string

            The type of item audio, video, game, podcast, physical, location, destination, experience, tip-link, invoice

          • OptionalsubType: string

            The type of item audio, video, game, podcast, physical, location, destination, experience, tip-link, invoice

          • Optionalexplicit: boolean

            True if the content is deemd explicity, otherwise false

          • OptionaldurationMilliseconds: number

            Duration in ms

          • OptionalminimumAgeRequirement: number

            Minimum age in years if there is an age requirement such as 18+, otherise null or zero

          • OptionalexternalUrls: {
                [key: string]: string;

            The external url

            • [key: string]: string
          • OptionalexternalImages: ExternalImageDeets[]

            Collection of external images

          • Optionalattributions: AttributionDeets[]

            Attributions are the credits or roles attaching Contact items to this PortfolioItem

          • OptionalimportExternalImages: boolean

            When set to true Mozaic will import the external images for the portfolio items and raise an &#39;import_completed&#39; shared event when complete

          • OptionaluserId: string

            The user id to operate on their behalf (tenants only)

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>

    • updateItem: ((id: string, externalId?: string, title?: string, addressCommonName?: string, addressAddress1?: string, addressAddress2?: string, addressCityName?: string, addressGeoPoint?: string, addressRegionId?: number, addressPostalCode?: string, addressRegionName?: string, addressCountryCode?: string, description?: string, details?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, href?: string, type?: string, subType?: string, explicit?: boolean, durationMilliseconds?: number, minimumAgeRequirement?: number, catalogs?: CatalogEntryDeets[], externalUrls?: {
          [key: string]: string;
      }, externalImages?: ExternalImageDeets[], attributions?: AttributionDeets[], importExternalImages?: boolean, userId?: string, options??: RawAxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<RequestArgs>)

      summary Create or update an PortfolioItem

        • (id, externalId?, title?, addressCommonName?, addressAddress1?, addressAddress2?, addressCityName?, addressGeoPoint?, addressRegionId?, addressPostalCode?, addressRegionName?, addressCountryCode?, description?, details?, href?, type?, subType?, explicit?, durationMilliseconds?, minimumAgeRequirement?, catalogs?, externalUrls?, externalImages?, attributions?, importExternalImages?, userId?, options?): Promise<RequestArgs>
        • Parameters

          • id: string

            The id of the record you wish to retrieve

          • OptionalexternalId: string

            The idea from the source third party

          • Optionaltitle: string

            The Title

          • OptionaladdressCommonName: string

            Common name of the address like Central Park, If we already have this in our db, it will pick that address by default

          • OptionaladdressAddress1: string

            Address line 1

          • OptionaladdressAddress2: string

            Address line 2

          • OptionaladdressCityName: string

            City name

          • OptionaladdressGeoPoint: string

            Latitude and Longitude

          • OptionaladdressRegionId: number
          • OptionaladdressPostalCode: string

            Postal code or ZIP code

          • OptionaladdressRegionName: string

            State, region or province

          • OptionaladdressCountryCode: string

            Two-letter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

          • Optionaldescription: string

            The decription

          • Optionaldetails: {
                [key: string]: string;

            A keyed list of other details related to the item such as additional product details

            • [key: string]: string
          • Optionalhref: string

            The external href (optional)

          • Optionaltype: string

            The type of item audio, video, game, podcast, physical, location, destination, experience, tip-link, invoice

          • OptionalsubType: string

            The type of item audio, video, game, podcast, physical, location, destination, experience, tip-link, invoice

          • Optionalexplicit: boolean

            True if the content is deemd explicity, otherwise false

          • OptionaldurationMilliseconds: number

            Duration in ms

          • OptionalminimumAgeRequirement: number

            Minimum age in years if there is an age requirement such as 18+, otherise null or zero

          • Optionalcatalogs: CatalogEntryDeets[]

            List of the PortfolioCatalogs this PortfolioItem belongs to

          • OptionalexternalUrls: {
                [key: string]: string;

            The external url

            • [key: string]: string
          • OptionalexternalImages: ExternalImageDeets[]

            Collection of external images

          • Optionalattributions: AttributionDeets[]

            Attributions are the credits or roles attaching Contact items to this PortfolioItem

          • OptionalimportExternalImages: boolean

            When set to true Mozaic will import the external images for the portfolio items and raise an &#39;import_completed&#39; shared event when complete

          • OptionaluserId: string

            The user id to operate on their behalf (tenants only)

          • Optionaloptions: RawAxiosRequestConfig = {}

            Override http request option.

          Returns Promise<RequestArgs>